Kids Summer Outreach
BROWNS, PHILIPPINES: Mark and Sarah Brown are looking to run a 5 day summer holiday kids program in three locations this year as part of Mabuhay Kids Ministries in Manila, Phillipines. This program will include morning and afternoon sessions reaching approximately 250-500 kids in each location. The program aims to reconnect with children and families they work with who have been through the extended lockdowns during COVID-19. The program will include teaching the bible, worship, games, crafts, food and much more! The total cost of the program within one location is $3,700 this includes set up costs, promotional material and the running cost of the event. $11, 000 will fully fund this project.
The total cost of this project is $11,000.
Note: Gifts to this project are not tax deductible.
NB: if full amount is not raised, all monies donated to this project may be used to fund a similar project in the area.