Christmas Shoeboxes for Kids
SALTALEGGIO, Ukraine: Have you ever struggled to buy your kids gifts for Christmas? Have you ever felt intense guilt and sadness that you cannot provide properly for your family?
Unfortunately this is a reality for many displaced Ukrainian families this year. This Christmas with a little help from you guys we want to bring a little happiness to refugee children and their families. Although nothing much is heard about the ongoing war in Ukraine in the media, it is still going and many families are still displaced. A great number of men are either defending their freedom on the front line or are deceased. This Christmas we would love to come alongside many single mums who have been left with the responsibility of taking care of the family as well as providing as best they can.
We are looking to raise $5000 which would cover the transport to remote parts of Ukraine plus 100 shoe box gifts. Why don’t you consider bringing a smile to a little kids face this Christmas by sponsoring a box or two. We are so grateful for your contribution be it small or great! Donations to this project are not tax deductible.