Bible Translation for the Guinea Population

SMOUT, Guinea: Imagine a Bible with blank pages. This is the case for unreached people groups who do not have the Bible in their heart language, or even have their language written down. This is what our translation project is doing, in supporting our national partners in the Republic of Guinea in West Africa in helping to rough draft and check the Bible translation in their heart language. Ibrahim and his local team are checking the rough draft of the Sankaran Bible translation for meaning and grammar. This requires reading the rough draft chapter by chapter, verse by verse, word by word, and answering many questions posed by the Bible translator, to ensure the translation can be comprehended by the people group.

These local team members travel from a variety of locations, scattered in rural and small town locations in the subsaharan. Transport is difficult. They leave their families, travel on motor bikes, bush taxis and old 4WD to come together as a team to review the scriptures being checked. Presently, Sherry, the Bible translator has 10 more chapters to go of Isaiah. There are dozens of questions for the local team for each or these chapters. These answers are then applied to the translation and become part of the fabric of that scripture portion, that chapter, that book of the Sankaran Bible. These individual Bible books are printed and used for the discipleship groups in the Sankaran area. 98% of the people in our country of service are another religion, freedom to choose faith is minimal, discipleship is difficult and persecution is real. These funds will help pay expenses for these local language helpers to travel, support their families when they are away, and promote the progress of their Bible translation.

In 2025 please consider committing to $100 a month as a church or find 5 friends at $20 a month and join together to give. Support these labourers to do what Jesus has called them to do and they are willing and able to do. Thank you for your support. I look forward to keeping you up to date on the progress of this progress. Please contact me with any questions. I will be pleased to visit you and send a short clip on the progress of the project. In His Word, Donations to this project are not tax deductible.


Note: Gifts to this project are not tax deductible.

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ACCI Missions & Relief

FW096 Bible Translation
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Donation Total: $500